Sunday, August 20, 2006

Smart Or Not?

I'm not so sure I did a smart thing today.

Since moving to Columbus, I haven't been in a rush to find a church, for a variety of reasons. Part of my reluctance is that, quite frankly, I was burned out. I had a very busy,very emotionally draining six years before moving, and I was just exhausted and needed a break. Part of my reluctance was that we are typically out of town 2-3 weekends per month, sometimes more, and I didn't want to commit when I wouldn't be around a lot. Part of it is that I still have strong ties to my home church. Part is that I've been lazy.

Well, since this spring, we've been church shopping. I think I've finally settled on one the next town over, now that they've acknowledged our existence and attendance. And, the thing that I'm not sure is so smart is that I introduced myself to the leader of the contemporary music team and asked if I can sit in. I'm sort of excited, because I haven't played with a group in over three years. I'm sort of nervous, because I haven't played with a group in over three years. I'm going to start taking my bass (the acoustic one) at first, but if in talking with them they want to learn some of the music I know, I'll start taking the guitar, too. We'll have to see what happens.

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