Saturday, August 26, 2006

Canning Day

Tom and I have a "mini" garden in the flowerbeds around our patio. We have zukes, peppers and tomatoes. Lots of tomatoes. We had yummy success last year canning spaghetti sauce so we did it again this year. Once again Tom's secret combination of spices and our homegrown tomatoes made a great sauce. We only had enough tomatoes for 5 1/2 jars today, but I am sure in a few weeks batch two will be in the works.

Starting out -

Peeling and removing the seeds-

The final product-


Anonymous said...

Boy, I wish I had been there. I'll bet the house smelled heavnly. I remember how it smelled when my Mom made her version of V-8 juice.

Anonymous said...

It really did smell yummy especially after coming in from outside.