Monday, May 08, 2006


Welcome to our lives. We sit here on our couch, night after night, watching TV and surfing the 'net. So of course, we decided to share the wisdom that all our couch sitting has afforded us. We hope you'll enjoy your stay.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new blog, but I'm a little disappointed. You are a computer geek, and even do some programming (in fact more than I do). So why on earth did you create yet another blogger based blog? (I guess its not as bad as creating something on MySpace).

Even if you decided not to run your own server with your own blog software (like Wordpress or MT), you could have at least gotten one of those really cool blogs. In fact you still can and even import your blogger posts and comments.

Seriously, have fun writing more stuff (ah, to be DINKs again …)


Bald Man Tom said...

Well, there was no way I was going to try to set up my own blog on my own server. I just don't have the energy to devote to that right now (I'm supposed to be learning Java and Jython right now, in addition to learning the product my company makes). As for "why Blogger", well, honestly, I didn't put much thought into it. I wanted something easy, because Amy will be participating in the creative process. I may check out the competition, though, and if it looks simple enough, maybe we'll switch...