Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Potato Flip Diary #2

The Quest For the Perfect Flip

All in all, today's exeperiment went better, although the players changed up a bit.

The Players

The Pan7" cast iron skillet, well seasoned
The IngredientsRed pototoes (~7.5 oz peeled and shredded)
Bacon (1 rasher, crumbled)
Misc dry seasonings
Shredded cheese (~1 oz)
The FatVegetable oil, ~ 1 tsp

The Method

Ack! I didn't have any onion this morning, so I had to make do without. Combined the potatoes, bacon and misc seasonings (I honestly can't remember what they are, how bad is that?). Put the pan over high-ish heat to get things hot before I begain, then added the oil to the pan, swirled to coat the pan, then drop in the potato mixture, and press very lightly into shape. Cook 4-5 minutes per side, flipping halfway through. Sprinkle shredded cheese on top, then bake in 350 degree oven about 10 minutes.

The Results

Mostly positive. There was minor stickage before the first flip, but it was easily dislodged. The flip itself took two tries again, but it wasn't like last week when it was the butter keeping the flip from lifting off. It was because I didn't account for the steep sides of the pan, and the flip never got to turning. After baking, everything was pretty much stuck to the bottom again, but wasn't too difficult to dislodge.

The Verdict

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being hash browns and 10 being the "perfect flip," this experiment ranks about 8.5.

Lessons Learned

The vegetable oil is the way to go, at least for the cooking of the potatoes. Next time, when I have onions to deal with again, I think I'll sautee the onions in butter, but cook the flip in oil.

I need to keep in mind the sides of the pan when flipping. I almost had hash browns again this morning because of an uncareful flip.

I'm stumped why the flip would be sticking at all, both before the first flip and after the oven time. I'll have to check around the internet and see if I can come up with anything.

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