Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A Long Way For Dinner

City BBQ Website
So, Amelia and I were supposed to pick up dinner to have with some friends this evening. Not being overly familiar with the area, I went to the company's website to look up the locations. Helpfully, they had all their locations linked to MapQuest. So, here's the location that we were going to head to. My mouse is next to the location, the one in Powell.

So, I clicked on the link to the Powell location, and I got this page on MapQuest. "What the hell?" thinks I. I mean, I know Powell is small, but I've found smaller locales.

So, I zoomed out, and kept zooming out until I finally saw this. Good thing that we decided to switch restaurants! We never had the optional water wings installed on Amelia's car!


Anonymous said...

What the hey??? I think Mapquest owes you a dinner to Powell City BBQ

Bald Man Tom said...

Actually, it's not a problem with MapQuest. The link from City BBQ is passing in some bad data, which caused the problem. I emailed City BBQ about it, but who knows if they'll fix it.