Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Additional Weirdness from the Couch

Well, since Bec told me I had to, and since Amelia already did, I guess I'm obliged to confess five weird things about me...

  1. I hate White Castle burgers. They make me nauseous and give me gas (like you wanted to know that). However, for some reason, I get a craving that can only be satisfied by eating a small handful of those gross little bundles of greasy fat-i-tude. I have no idea why.
  2. I can neither play nor sing music from memory. It all stems from forgetting the words to the national anthem in front of 20000 people. As long as I have the words and/or chords in front of me, I'm fine.
  3. I talk to myself aloud. Often. It's really the only way I can figure out how I'm doing and what's going on in my life. I try to do it when noone's around, but I'm always worried someone is listening in on me.
  4. One of my most regular daydreams is that I'm a superhero. I'm not confessing to my super powers, however. A guy's gotta have his secrets :P
  5. I hate wearing shoes. The worst part about winter is that I can't wear my sandals until spring. Of course, I only tolerate sandals because I don't want to step on anything pointy (well, that and my feet would really stink if I didn't wear anything). I walked around barefoot for an entire semester of college.


rebecca said...

barefoot for an entire semester!? that is intriguing!

Darrin said...

Ahhh... more "weird" things. Well, Tom, I think you have Amelia beat on the weird-meter. But that's why your my friend.

1) Please do not ever refer to Whitey's as 'gross little bundles'. They are a wonderful little sandwich, though at 65 cents they should be the same size as a McDs cheeseburger. I must admit though, White Castle burgers make me 'poofy' as well. If you work with me, it is in your best interest not to visit me in my office the night after I've had WCs. That would have been Wednesday this week. :)

2) I can't read sheet music, at least not from site (unless is it for snare drum, which only involves rhythms and not actual notes and therefore really doesn't count, at least in my opinion). I think you need to face your fear and sing at a Clippers game next year.

3) I concur. It is easier to fingure out life things when talking to one's self. I think it partially has to do with it actually being received three times by your brain. Once when you think it, once when you vocalize it, and another time when you hear it.

4) How sad it is that I can't remember the last time I've daydreamed. I've bored and staring into space alot lately, but not daydreaming. Sounds like I need to be singing "I Won't Grow Up" more often and learn to be creative again.

5) Um... shoes are good. I usually don't enjoy wearing sandals either. But i don't mind goign barefoot. Your one semester without shoes reminds me of the guy in my dorm who for at least 3 year always wore shorts and rollerbladed everywhere (before rollerblading was the bomb, yo). This included winter... well, maybe not for the rollerblades, but definitely shorts. Didn't matter how cold it was. I presume that your shoe-less semester was not in the winter. That would have been cold (or as some disturbing minds might might say, 'refreshing'.)

Darrin said...

Sorry about not spelling the contraction for 'you are' correctly. I know that it is 'you're', not 'your'. The end.

Carl Knorr said...

Here's one of mine... but it's more of a weird fear than anything else.

I fear I may be turning into a West Coast liberal, even though I have never crossed the Rockies in my life. Over the last ten years or so, I have come to prefer wine over beer (and flavor over alcohol content - WTF?), grown to love hummus and baba ghannouj, and listen only to NPR on my car radio. If I talk about trading my Sentra in for a Volvo - please kill me.