Saturday, June 10, 2006

Natural Birth Control

(The will probably earn us a lot of blog-spam, but oh, well...)

Amy and I are in northern Kentucky today, visiting my sister, brother-in-law, and two monst... errr... nephews. The younger one's birthday was last Monday, and we're here to have a party. Nephew #2 turned three. His two's were pretty turbulent, and lived up to the "terrible twos." Well, it looks like things aren't going to be any easier now that he's left his two's behind. My sister has dubbed this phase "the horrible three's" and he's off to an incredible start. I'm sure that he'll turn out fine, just like his big brother is, but honestly, I don't think I could have asked for better birth control than a weekend visit.


Anonymous said...


Bald Man Tom said...

No, seriously! Ask Amelia! Nephew #2 was in rare form this weekend.

rebecca said...

cracking up!! bwa ha ha!