Wednesday, June 25, 2008

PETA Would Be Happy

Tonight was a new food for Bambina, and the first from a one-time mobile food source: chicken in chicken broth. As I'm following the advice of countless pediatricians and tasting the food that I'm giving my child, I can say with authority that baby food chicken tastes yucky. That's probably not exactly correct. I think it actually tastes like chicken. Over-cooked, completely unseasoned chicken. GROSSLY overcooked. I understand why they would cook the bejeebers out of it (reduces the likelihood of nasties) and would refrain from seasoning (don't want to upset the timid tummies of tiny tots), but knowing doesn't make it taste any better. Bambina didn't like it any better than me. After about 10 spoons, she stopped swallowing, which is the signal for me to stop cramming it in. We switched to applesauce and she was much happier.

The more observant of you will notice that I added a sidebar with a short synopsis of each baby food I try. I'm not ranking applesauce, because we're giving her regular unsweetened applesauce that you get in a big old jar for a buck rather than the little teensy-weensy 2 oz containers for 50 cents.


Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, we had an interesting progression on baby food through our three:

Kid #1: Baby food? Yuck! Give me the real thing!

Kid #2: Baby food? Take it or leave it, but when it comes down to brass tacks, give me the real thing.

Kid #3: Baby food? Sign me up!

Bald Man Tom said...

redbeard -

I think the big thing is that this was the first non-sweet thing she's tried. Her formula is sweet-ish, carrots, sweet potatoes and all the fruit are sweet, then we hit chicken. Decidedly not sweet. Oh, and it's overcooked. Blech. We'll try again tonight. Tomorrow maybe some real veggies...

Darrin said...

Yeah... that's the hardest thing.. getting them to eat things that aren't sweet or salty as all get out. N went through a period where she would eat eggs and ground beef. Now she won't touch either. I think it's a texture thing or something that she's just picked up on. At least she likes chicken nuggets. If it weren't for that or hot dogs, she'd have zilcho protein since she dislikes beans as well.

Joann said...

You are a braver person than I tasting all those different foods. Wow. Yuck. I could tell by the smell alone that I wasn't going to like it. I am sincerely impressed with your dedication.

Emily decided just recently that she was now a vegetarian.(Although chicken and sometimes everything else meaty is just fine.) Whatever. I won't remind her how much she LOVED the might dog smelling, totally repulsing baby sausages as an infant...

Bald Man Tom said...

darrin -

Maybe you should try tofu? :)

joann -

It's not a brave thing, really. I'm mostly just curious what goes in Bambina's belly, and whether I could eat it if forced. Mostly, I probably could. The only things I wouldn't eat so far are the chicken and, of course, rice.

Ummmm... Emily *does* know what a vegetarian is, right? :)