Monday, November 27, 2006


You've read about my experience with getting a Belkin KVM switch. So, I did some research and decided that the right one for me was this little number, an IOGEAR model. Reviews were mixed, but most negative reviewes seemed to revolve around a lack of features that careful reading of the literature would have already uncovered (yes, I hear the pot talking to me, thankyouverymuch). It's USB, handles up to four computers at a time, claims to work with my toy, handles audio, and supposedly works with USB hubs, so I can actually connect more USB devices than just a keyboard and mouse.

I ordered it a week ago Friday, and it finally came today. Aside from a few glitches (my Linux box isn't completely happy, but since it's like 8 years old, I'm not overly surprised), it works pretty well. One of the cool features that I never knew I wanted but now I'm very glad I have is that I can switch everything except the audio. Right now, I have my iTunes running on my desktop while I'm typing this on my laptop, both of which are connected to the KVM. Pretty sweet!

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