Friday, November 17, 2006

Well Now, That Was Interesting...

Amelia and I were driving north to spend the night with her folks, and we had something happen to us that neither of us have ever had happen before.

I hit a deer.

Yes, with my car.

We were driving across US 30 coming through Wooster, and fortunately Amelia reminded me that I needed to slow down going through the city. I saw him as he darted across the road about 10 feet in front of the car. I hit the brakes pretty quickly, but I still clipped him. He got up and continued his sprint into the trees, so we're pretty sure he's OK. My car isn't badly damaged, but the hood is crumpled somewhat and the front right fender is broken (plastic, don'tcha know). But I didn't even lose a headlight, so it wasn't that bad. The impact wasn't enough to set off our air bags, and I don't even remember the seat belt grabbing. All in all, I think Bambi, Amelia and I got off pretty lucky...


Anonymous said...

OMG! You were lucky! Don’t you know that you are supposed to cheer for the bucks this weekend not hit one! : )

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you're all OK, but I can bet that your pluse is still racing. While we've never hit a deer having been in a few car accidents (none of them our fault) it can really scare the sh*t out of you.

Bald Man Tom said...


Ken: Yeah, our hearts were going pit-a-pat for quite a while afterward. But, all in all, we're just counting our blessings.

rebecca said...

yowzers! glad to hear everyone is okay!

Darrin said...

Glad to hear that you're both okay. I still worry that I'm going to hit one backing out of my driveway. I passed a buck coming home late from work this week. And I'm not talking about in the middle of nowhere. I'm talking about in the middle of our subdevelopment. They also sleep in our neighbors back yard. I guess that's what you get when you cut down a woods and turn it into a sub-dev.

Again, glad to hear you're both okay. Stupid deer.