Sunday, July 09, 2006

I Am An Idiot

Amelia and I were out in the back yard again tonight, finishing up a new bed we'd been working (slowly) on. The same one, you know, where I found poison sumac a few weeks ago. So, taking no chances, even though I didn't see anything even remotely reminiscent of what I'd seen last week, I donned gloves for the duration. After finishing that bed, we went about weeding some other beds around the yard, and there were a few things that did bear a passing resemblence to the itchy stuff. So, I very carefully pulled and immediately bagged everything, making sure that nothing came in contact with skin. We moved off to another bed where I pulled out some ivy, working up quite a sweat. So, I wiped the sweat off my face. With my gloved hand. The gloved hand that might possibly have come in contact with poison sumac.

I took a shower right after coming in, and I scrubbed my pate pretty hard. We'll see tomorrow if I was right about the poison sumac...

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