Monday, July 24, 2006

Bachelor Days

Amelia is heading out for a few days, so you know what that means.... It's BACHELOR DAYS for this bald guy! Meals of pizza, pork rinds, beer and deep-fried lard! Unwashed dishes all over the house! Dirty clothes hanging from the ceiling fans! Movies of questionable content! Going to bed at 4AM and not getting my lazy butt out of bed until 10PM the next day! Work? Eh, who needs it? Not like Amelia's gonna know any different! She won't have Interwebnet access until she gets home, and by then, it'll be too late!



Darrin said...

Mmmmm.... pork rinds.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean no internet access? Might be slow but I am checking on you- HA HA HA.

Plus the kitties are my spies I will know what you have been up to :)