Monday, January 30, 2012

Trouble With Happy

Oooooooh boy, my son is going to be trouble. To wit:

Happy is starting his transition to the next daycare room up, for 3's and 4's (Poet's current class). Today we got a note from the teacher in Happy's old class. Evidently when Happy left, one little girl was very upset, saying that she wanted to go with Happy because he is her "best friend." Another little girl heard that and piped up, "no, he's my husband!" They then started yelling back and forth at each other, "HE'S MINE!" "NO, HE'S MINE!" They had to be separated.



Darrin said...

heh.... sweet. i know they say kids grow up faster nowadays, but DANG!

Redbeard said...


Where'd he get that from?

Bald Man Tom said...

Redbeard: clearly not his dad...