Sunday, January 29, 2012

Free Time

Lately, work hasn't been keeping me as busy as I'd like, so I've had time to do other things. Some things are less pleasant than others (like cleaning up the basement to turn into a play area, that wasn't a lot of fun). But the fun parts have been around trying new things in the kithcen. I've gotten back to baking bread again. In addition to baking bread from a book my sister got me for Christmas last year, I've found a great recipe for Italian bread which I've made twice and has been gone in under 24 hours both times. I've also started making fresh ricotta, which is so stupidly easy I can't believe I haven't done it before. And today, I made my first batch of homemade butter, which is even more stupidly easy. I think that the next item on my list of things to try making is mozzarella, which seems slightly more complicated, but well within my ability to not screw things up. Yay for free time!


Darrin said...

Awesome! you'll have to share a loaf the next time we come over there... or you come over here... or whenever we end up at the same place at the same time.

Lisa said...

Great job! Would you share the butter recipe?

Bald Man Tom said...

Lisa, your wish is my command: