Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Problem

Ignore the fact that my lovely daughter is crying. Seriously, just ignore it. What I'd like to call your attention to is all the way at the back of her mouth. Rather, what's not there. Now, find a child, spouse or friend, have them open their mouth, and compare. You'll notice that Bambina is missing a section of her soft palate and her entire uvula, compared with your reference. That's what is going to be repaired, very soon in fact. The surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, August 6.


Anonymous said...

Good luck you three.

Joann said...

Best of luck and prayers for the surgery.

Boo and Peanut's Momma said...

Will they be able to correct everything in one surgery? Will she have any lasting effects? Our prayers will be with you! (And the drs!)

Amelia said...

We were told one surgery. So we will keep our fingers crossed that everything goes according to plan. Barring any complications it is just an overnight stay. She then comes home and gets to where braces on her elbows for three weeks. She has to wear them so she doesn't put anything in her mouth...something she loves to do!