Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm Getting Old

... but you knew that, right? :P

So, yesterday, as Amy and I were walking to get a cup of coffee at lunch, we noticed a sign for an emergency blood drive. Now, you might remember that I had decided not to donate any more after a bad experience last year. Well, with the passage of time, and particularly after the response I got, I'd been considering changing my mind, and since there was an emergency drive right where I work, I decided to give it a go on the provision that there was absolutely no line. There wasn't, so I gladly sacrificed a pint.

Later in the afternoon, nearing the end of the day, I decided to rearrange my new office (I've recently occupied a vacant one). It involved switching two desks around. I got to pushing and pulling, and after about 15-20 minutes, I felt like I my heart was going to beat out of my chest, and I was going to either pass out, puke or both. It was only then that I remembered that I gave blood and I shouldn't have tried moving stuff that heavy. The thing is, once upon a time, I used to play racketball within a few hours of giving blood.

So, which is the sign of age? Not being able to be physically active after giving blood, or forgetting that I had given blood in the first place?


Anonymous said...

I think that you could say that you're wavering on not giving blood shows that you're getting old, Tom. You used to be as hard headed as the rest of us.

Joann said...

No good deed goes unpunished.. says your cynical friend.

Bald Man Tom said...

redbeard -

Yeah, I think I'm going soft. Dunno if that means I'm getting old, though. I really did feel kinda guilty about not donating blood, because a) there often is a shortage, b) my blood type is in high demand, and c) there's no real reason why I shouldn't (unlike some friends and acquaintances who can't and never will be able to).

joann -

Troo dat. Word.

Darrin said...

ahh... you should feel lucky that it's only NOW that you're feeling old. I'm a few years younger than you.. i think.. and I've felt old for years. :-p

Anonymous said...

Ah... I began to feel old right around the time I turned 30. Not because of the number, but because that summer we had a co-op on our team who was 20, but (to me, at least) she looked 14-15. I swear, I felt my body age everytime I walked by her station in the co-op area.