Wednesday, March 26, 2008


News in the house this week. I have a new full time job! What started out as a way to help out a little with the bills resulted in a new job for me. Starting April 7th I will be the new Membership and Marketing Coordinator for a Corporate Credit Union. I feel extremely blessed by this opportunity. However I have mixed feeling- This means our baby girl is heading to Daycare. My head knows she will be fine, it is my heart that is aching. However with the USDA report out this week we need $204,060 to raise our girl to age 18. This doesn't include college or the must have Christmas toy... I need a raise!

Routines in our house are going to drastically change so please bear with us if we are a bit grumpy in the coming weeks.


Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!!!! I promise you that Baby Girl is going to be great, but, no one will ever take the place of her mama.

You're going to kick some major butt at your new job. :-)

If you guys need anything, don't hesitate to ask.

Darrin said...

Woo hoo! WTG Amy! Good luck at the new job! Try to keep Mr. Tom in line.

Joann said...

That's great Amy! Congratulations!
I understand your feeling torn. I had both girls in day care as infants. It's hard, but two income households are often needed these days.

Rattus Peregrinus said...

Don’t sweat the cost of raising kids.
You’d be surprised how early you can get them stuffing envelopes and selling stuff door to door.
Then when their a little older put them on the phone, making telemarketing calls.
They’ll MORE than pay for themselves!