Friday, September 29, 2006

Left Lane

Caution Rant Alert:

Dear cars in the left lane: You know that due to construction (that has been going on for OVER a year) that the left lane is closed ahead. But I forgot you are special. Since you are special, you don't have to wait in the right lane for 15 minutes while traffic slowly moves along.

Mr. & Mrs. left lane go right ahead- speed down the lane, pass the three warning signs, orange barrels and a HUGE flashing arrow- because you don't have to wait in line - you "deserve" to get in front of everyone. However, please don't cut in front of me... I am still working on my road rage management skills. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Most excellent writing. I give it five stars. *****

Darrin said...

I concur with Amelia. While you may be special and may be driving a car that costs at least three times as much as my vehicle, please refrain from cutting Amelia off, and for that matter from cutting me off. If you are going to cut me off, at least have the decency to use a turn signal. Maybe then we can at least avoid me honking my horn and making waving movements in your rear view (or side view) mirror (that is if you are even bothering to use those shiny reflective pieces of glass mounted in/on your car.