Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bare Butt!

... well, actually, it's "bear butt." Or maybe "bare bear butt." You get the idea :)

We spent much of the day at the Columbus Zoo. We have passes this year, and have really putting them to good use. The polar bears are this years "hot new exhibit," with viewing above ground and from a new underwater area. We'd been there twice before and both times the bears just lolled around on rocks out of the water. When we got there today, one of the workers had just thrown several toys in the water, and the bears jumped in and were swimming around playing. It was very, very cool.

Today's visit was prompted by the appearance of a little hispanic cartoon girl, who both of the kids love. There was a breakfast meetup, which we skipped, several "drive through the zoo on a golf cart" tours, and several scheduled photo ops where the kids could get their picture taken with the little adventurer. We managed to get in on the last photo op of the day, and, lo and behold, our kids actually didn't freak out, and managed to stand still long enough for us to take a few pictures. They even got to give her a hug and high five. Good times were had by all.

1 comment:

Darrin said...

that photo (and caption) is awesome