Tuesday, June 01, 2010

10 on Tuesday

Hi, Long time no post! A quick recap of life from the couch:

1) Thanks mom for the spontaneous offer to watch the kids overnight. It was a wonderful break and chance to recharge and get some stuff done around the house.

2) Happy's favorite color- blue. I think he likes to say the word.

3) Part of our weekend projects- a "big girl" bed for Poet. She is very proud.

4) Poet's tear duct tubes were removed this morning. Every thing looks fine.

5) Happy is a passionate eater- 5 Q-tips were needed to clean the tomato sauce out of his ear.

6) Our garden this year consists of 2 tomato plants hanging from a topsy turvy ... do they really work?

7) Happy is 18 months this week- where has the time gone?

8) Home grown strawberries- yummy

9) Kona and Sid went for their yearly vet check last week. It is hard to believe they are turning 6 this year.

10) Lost is over- what else is there to watch?


Darrin said...

1) It's always nice to get those little breaks, even if you're having to do housework. Much easier to do when you don't have the kiddos hanging off of you

2) A's favorite color is red. I know this because most of the boks with that on the cover has been chewed on. Though, he chews on all his books.

3) Awesome! Getting them into that big bed is a cool milestone. Keeping them in it is another. :P

4) Yay! Glad everything is okay there.

5) That's gotta be a record of some sort! Hope you got a pic of that pre-cleanup.

6) I've seen various people in our neighborhood with them. I guess they work, though I haven't seen any tomatoes. Lemme know how that works out.

7) Time has gone into a blackhole, I'm convinced. Time passes much too quickly. Lil N is 4 very soon. It's freaking me out a bit.

8) When do I get some strawberries? I need to have dessert with the Taco Bell I just ate. MMMmmm Volcano Taco.

9) Hope all is well with the cats. They've only got another year or so of the 'tough' years for cats. Of course, your cats are much smarter than our Dwight who just stands there when lil A grabs a big hunk of fur. Dwight is brain-damaged.

10) Glee is awesome, but it's almost over. This is where your local library can help you out. I saw a show called Time Tunnel at the library the other day which looked interesting. It was on ABC from 1966 to 1967, so I'm sure it's a bit trippy. Looks like a Twilight Zone kinda thing. Don't forget about Hulu. You can find all kinda of stuff to watch on there.

Amelia said...

Hi D-
Cool comment thanks! I have seen one episode of Glee online and it looks promising - I think I missed some "inside" stuff so I need to start at the beginning.

Darrin said...

Yes, start Glee at the beginning. It's a some-what linear show, though in theory you should be able to walk into most episodes since they do have a little 'here's what you missed' trailer at the beginning of most new episodes.

You might try seeing if the Columbus library has the first 1/2 season on DVD. That's how Maryann and I got caughtup (well, we got ours from the Marysville library, but you get the idea). We did the same thing with Felicity and Gilmore Girls a few years back.

Amelia said...

Oh- Gilmore Girls, that is a fun show. I think I saw all of them in reruns- I love the fast dialogue and pop culture references.