Sunday, May 02, 2010

First (?) Sign * I'm Getting Old

Got new glasses on Friday, these were different. Because, you see, I got my first pair of bifocals. Now, I knew it was only a matter of time before I ended up with bifocals, as both of my parents wear them (actually, I think one or the other are technically farther up the multi-focal range). And over the last six months or so, I started to notice that I had to hold things I was reading farther away than I previously did.

All in all, the bifocals aren't too bad. I can see much more clearly near and at distance. I was warned about distortion at the sides of my vision, but so far I haven't seen any. After the first few minutes of "woogyvision," my eyes settled in and I haven't had any problems.

* no, going bald isn't a sign of getting old...


knerhood said...

Welcome to the old eye club. I joined last year, but I think I'll wait on the bald hair club.

Did you get progressives? That's what I got but only for my main pair. I had a set of prescription sunglasses that were still good. The problem is, now I can't wear them because my eyes are used to the progressives and when I put the plain pair on everything is out of whack.

Darrin said...

So... does this officially move you into the 'codger' category?

Bald Man Tom said...

bro -

Yeah, I got the progressives, and instead of getting a pair of prescription sunglasses, I bought frames that have a magnetic clip. So long as I don't lose it (like I lost the clip for my last set of specs) I'm all good.

And since I'm well acquainted with your parents, I can safely guess that you'll probably not be joining the bald head club :)

darrin -

I've been a codger, 'cause I'm not old enough to be a coot :P