Sunday, November 15, 2009

Reason #3429 why we love our kids

Amy and I live in a fairly small house, so to conserve space, Poet and Happy share a bedroom. This has its ups and downs, but has so far worked out pretty well. Particularly well for the kids at nap time.

Often when we put the kids down for a nap or for the night, they'll jabber at each other for a while before drifting off. This afternoon, the amount of jabbering was off the charts. There was the usual babbling, there was Poet shouting "NO!" followed by giggles, there was some loud banging, but very little sleeping going on. When we finally went to get them two hours after we put them down, we weren't sure what we'd find, but were completely surprised by what we saw.

  • Both kids had both removed their pants and a sock, which were on the floor next to the loveys they'd tossed.
  • Poet had also removed her diaper and peed all over her bed.
  • Both kids were dancing in their cribs, laughing and jabbering.
When asked if they'd had fun, Poet looked at us, smiled and said "yep!"

Normally we try not to laugh when the kids do something that they really shouldn't but ends up being really funny, but we completely failed. Maybe next weekend, we'll set up a video camera to record the action :)


Redbeard's Wife said...

Remember, funny videos are worth $10,000 on AFV!

Darrin said...

hehe eh ehehe he ... them crazy kids!

Boo and Peanut's Momma said...

I can SOOO see this! Little guy does the same thing, except by himself. I love being awakened by the sound of him laughing and giggling. At daycare the other day they said he pulled his pants off in his crib. He also had learned to pull his arm out of his sleeve and next thing they looked, he had taught another little one to do the same. There they were crawling around one sleeved.

Bald Man Tom said...

Baby Boo's Momma -

Looks like Boo is a good influence on his peers! Sounds like Poet. She taught the kids in her class to stack things so they could climb over a barricade and into a neighboring class. That remains the only time she's ever been in time out at daycare :)