Wednesday, September 30, 2009

You Know You're Tired When...

You make it to work and notice that you're shirt is inside out...

... and you're wearing a polo :P

Friday, September 04, 2009


Longtime readers of our ramblings would note that several years ago, Amy and I went to the Ohio State Fair, and I commented on the available food, and dreamed up new creations. Well, it looks like someone down in Texas has stolen one of my ideas! Somebody needs to give credit where credit is due!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

9 Month Update

I thought Amy would have posted this, but it looks like I get the honor this time :)

I took Happy in for his 9 month checkup. His stats:

  • Length: 28.5 in (60th percentile)
  • Weight: 21.5 lbs (65th percentile)
  • Head circumference: 18.25 in (75th percentile)

He hit quite a growth spurt from his last visit, didn't he? He had two shots this time, one for polio, the other for the flu. He didn't even flinch until it was over. He kinda looked at me with a "what the heck was THAT" look, then went back to his regular happy self.