Tuesday, July 07, 2009

She Knows Her No's

Following hot on the heels of our break from "no" comes its return. But with a twist. To wit, the following conversation in the car between Poet and me (keep in mind that all the names I asked her to say, she's said before when she's been in a more agreeable mood):

BMT: Poet, can you say "Dada?"
Poet: No!
BMT: Poet, can you say "Mama?"
Poet: No!
BMT: Poet, can you say "Happy?"
Poet: No!
BMT: Poet, can you say "Poet?"
Poet: NO!
BMT: Poet, can you say "no?"
<looong pause> Poet: <grins, giggles and shakes her head>

Ah, joy :)


Dad said...

She sounds just like her Aunt TJ!

Darrin said...

hehe hehe he he h.... she's funny. At this point you should know that she's become an expert manipulator. :P

redbeard's wife said...

She's smart--look out!