Saturday, January 24, 2009

Toxic House

Enter at your own risk...

We've had a pretty long run of bad health here lately. Poet has had a runny nose for... about two weeks now? Her nose gets very caked at times, and she just cries so badly when we try to clean her up. Amy got something nasty on Monday, I came down with a nasty cold on Tuesday, and Amy got the brunt of the same cold on Wednesday. While we've been recovering, Happy finally came down with it something last night. He's blorphed all over me twice, not the typical "spit-up" blorph, but the "soak-you-enough-to-change-your-shirt" kind. Ugh, poor kid...

1 comment:

Joann said...

Sounds like loads of fun. I think I'll keep my distance. A humidifier might make the air better for the little one's nose. I hope you all feel better right away.