Saturday, April 26, 2008

Greedy People Suck

The ink cartridges on our printer have been dying over the last week or so, so today, while we were out, we stopped at our local, mega-office supply store to buy new. I bought a pack with both color and black, paid my coin and went home. When I opened the box, I discovered that the color cartridge was completely out of its protective wrapper, the piece of tape over the jets had stuck to the inside of the box, and ink had spilled all over the inside. The black one seemed intact, but the protective wrapper was torn. What I assume happened is that someone came in and bought the cartridges, swapped the new ones for his/her old ones, hot-glued the box, then went back to the mega-office supply store, asking for a return because they bought the wrong one. Since the box was still hot glued, the staff simply returned the box to the shelf for some other innocent patron to pick up.

Now, I hate when stores' return policies screw over the honest customer (Amy could tell stories about her disdain for that of the Red Bullseye), but considering what stupid, greedy people will do, is it any wonder?

Yep, greedy people suck.


Darrin said...

Duuuuude. That sucks. Total crap. People are stupid. I blame Napster. The started this whole 'if I can get it for free, then it's okay' mentality.

Joann said...

OOOh that must have totally sucked. I hope the criminal mind that did that has trouble sleeping at night. Little errands like getting ink are annoying enough without something like that happening.

Bald Man Tom said...

darrin -

Hmmmmm... I think Napster has been blamed for nearly everything else, why not blame them for jerks who steal ink :)

joann -

Unfortunately, I'd imagine that whoever did that is sleeping very well. I'm sure that they only reason someone like that would be sorry would be if they got caught...