Sunday, January 28, 2007

In the News Recently

I'm a caffeine addict. I've been drinking coffee since a college girlfriend first got me to drink a few cups while studying for exams. I was such an addict at some points during my college career that I measured my consumption not in cups per day but in pots per day, as some of my friends could attest. When I tried to quit cold turkey after landing my first job, I had severe headaches and blurred vision for the first few weeks. Since then, I've returned to my caffeinated ways, adding the frequent cup or two of earl grey in with the coffee, but I've never tried to relive my glorious college consumption.

You're probably wondering why I mention that little factiod. Well, it's because of articles like this that claim that the cure for baldness lies in copious caffeine consumption. So, what do I think of these claims?

Yeah, right....

***UPDATE*** As you can see below, Wally is/had been drinking enough coffee to put him into triple digits, and it didn't do anything for him (click to enlarge).

Click to enlarge

I reiterate: yeah, right....

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