Thursday, March 01, 2012

My Son, the Gourmand

Our kids love to pretend cook. Ever since Poet could walk, she'd bring us stuff from her little kitchen to "eat," be it "soup" or "noodles" or "milk" or whatnot. When Happy got big enough and learned enough words, he joined in, offering "beef stew" or "cold peas" or "hot dog sammiches." Which brings me to today's story.

After picking up the kids from daycare, Amy and I took them to one of our many local parks. Beneath the main playset is a little shelf which is reminiscent of a counter in a restaraunt, think McDonalds or Skyline or something along that order. When we go to this playground, the kids will invariably catch sight of this shelf and strike up a rousing game of "food service." Today, Happy emerged from behind the shelf to take my order:

Happy: Daddy! What can I make you?

Me: Hmmm... I think I'll have a hot dog sammich.

Happy: <turns to go> OK, I'll be right back!

Me: Oh, can I get some mustard on it?

Happy: Yeah! What kinda mustard do you want?

Yep, that's right. Happy was concerned about the kind of mustard I wanted. How many three year olds know more than plain ol' yellow mustard? Happy and Poet both know and enjoy yellow, spicy brown and dijon. They also know that I eat "hot" mustard at our local greasy wok. I might let them try it, then I might get offered hot mustard for my hot dog, too!


Amy said...

You need to take the kids to more baseball games. They need to learn about stadium mustard too!

Darrin said...

I've been wanting to give my kids tobasco since they were 3 months old. I still get veto'd. Awesome that your kids like mustard (and know that there are different KINDS of mustard)

Bald Man Tom said...

Darrin: what your wife doesn't know won't hurt her. Or you :)