Sunday, October 03, 2010

Grumpedy Grumpedy

Today was rainy-ish, cold-ish and very, very blah here in central OH, and, not wanting to have the kids running around outside, we took the younguns to a local mall which has an indoor play area. We got there before all the stores opened so it wasn't too crowded, but the bad behavior of the other kids more than made up for it. Poet and Happy and a lot of little kids kept getting knocked around the play area, cut in front of, and shoved off whatever they were climbing by kids bigger than they were. Now, Amy and I followed our kids around to make sure that they played nice, waited their turns and were gentle with kids smaller than themselves. Where the heck were the parents of these bigger kids? Obviously not worried about what they were doing or how they were behaving, that's for sure. If my kids behaved the way these bigger kids did, they'd have been scolded, put in time out, and or taken home. Am I just being over sensitive because it was my kids this happened to? Or should I have some expectation that parents teach their kids how to behave appropriately and play nice?


Darrin said...

No. I don't think you're insensitive. If you looked around, you probably would have found their parents, head down, staring and typing into their iPhone: "sittin at the Tutt, kidz playin. Cant wait 4 the macys supr sale at 10"

Sorry your trip was less than pleasurable. I know exactly what you mean since lil N tends to just take everything in stride and just moves on, but as a parent every now and then it makes you want to step in front of them as they are running past. Maybe the sound of the kid whining and cry would make their parents look up.... eh... probably not.

"devins cryin again. wonder what 4. wish the stor would open"

Anonymous said...

From my perspective, you'd see the parents screwing around, yakking with friends, being on their cell phones, or not even there.

And people wonder why their angels end up messed up.