Wednesday, March 10, 2010

with sauce?

I know this blog is turning into a story of the kids, but sometimes they are just too cute not share.

The big Christmas gift this year was a toy kitchen. One of the favorite games is having the kids make us some "food" to eat. They enjoy running from their kitchen (in the kitchen) to the living room where we usually sitting.

No matter what we ask for the immediate response from Poet is - with sauce? Heaven forbid if you say no!

Tonight we had:
ravioli, with sauce,
apple pie, with sauce,
soup, with sauce,
bread, with sauce.

It is fun trying to come up with items to add sauce too. Any suggestions?


Grandma Hensley said...

How about hot dogs with coney sauce or veggies with cheese sauce.

Bald Man Tom said...

Way too mundane, Grandma Hensley. Think outside the box:

* cookies... with sauce
* grapes... with sauce
* milkshakes... with sauce

That's how our girl rolls...

Darrin said...

heh ... i love soup, with sauce.

you'd think after being in a band that sang about food that i'd be able to come up with something.

potato chips? (wow, that's the best I could come up with, I'm sorry)
red wine? (heh, start them off early)
onion rings? (that reminds me, when are we doing white castle again?)