Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Today I stayed home with the little girl. Yesterday, she had a fever and was sent home from daycare. She has to be symptom free for 24 hours to go back, so it was a stay at home day. She wasn't on her "A game" today but still fine and no fever.

It was a nice day we played and organized the closet and all the socks, but the best part of the day was our first adventure into baking. We made some snickerdoodles. She had a lot of fun pouring everything into the bowl and helped with the stirring. The best part was getting to roll the dough balls in the cinnamon sugar! I think we have the makings of a great baker in the family. Yum!


Anonymous said...


Cinnnamon sugar....

Flip said...

Yummy... can I have some!

Joann said...

Awwww. But organizing socks? That is not my favorite chore.