Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Bambina!

Can you believe it? I know we sure can't! Time has slipped by so fast, where did it all go? And look how much she's grown! Can you believe she's the same baby?

Happy first birthday, Bambina. Thank you for all the joy you've brought to our lives. Mommy and Daddy love you very, very much...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Bambina Says...

Michigan stinks! Go BUCKEYES!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Attention Men

See the doo-dad in the photo there at the left? I'm sure you've all seen something like it in public restrooms across the country. That little thingy sticking out to the left of the main, upright whats-it? Do you know what it is? I'll give you a hint, in case you're mystified. It performs the very same function as the little lever on the commode in your bathroom at your own home. When you push it down as far as it will go and then release it, the contents of whatever device to which it is attached (this handle thingy can be found on both the upright and seated versions commonly found in lavatories, what a swell idea!) are whooshed away, to be replaced with much cleaner dihydrogen monoxide. How cool is that? Use of this lever-type device reduces odor caused by the previously mentioned contents of the attached device.

Now that you know what that little thingy is for, please for the love of Pete, FLUSH THE &@#$ed TOILET WHEN YER DONE!

Friday, November 07, 2008

5 years later...

So it only took me 5 + years to learn this interesting fact. Tom doesn't like Snickers candy bars!! I was working my way through the leftover Halloween candy and made this amazing discovery! I am just amazed that I did not know this... makes me wonder what other deep dark secrets he is keeping :)

In other news: Photobucket has been updated!