So, we wanna know:
- Teagan has begun repeatedly smacking herself in the head. On the one hand, I think it's pretty comical, but I'll agree with Amy that on some level, it is somewhat disconcerting. What does this mean, should we be worried about it, and what, if anything should we do? I really don't want my li'l girl to grow up to be a masochist...
- How do you manage when you both are ill? We've managed (just barely) to stagger our illnesses: Amy had a bad end of the week last week, I was out Saturday night through Monday morning, Amy was back down Monday afternoon til this morning, now I'm down again. Whaddya do when you're both too sick to take care of the kid(s)? The last thing we want to do is give Bambina what either of us have (oddly enough, we both have different crud).